Monday, August 3, 2009

Seasonal Christianity

There was a time that the good guy always wore white and the bad guy always wore black.
There was a time when the good guy was good and the bad guy was bad. Now that’s changed. The cop is bad the thief is good
There was a time when the good guy won and the bad guy lost.
Things were simple.Now we don’t even know what marriage is. For thousands of years….literally thousands of years, marriage was man and women. I don’t think there was ever a civilization that believed and accepted same sex marriage.
But now…..Alarming to see how some people present the gospel -- How they explain the marvelous grace of God and what that will mean for your Christian life.
1) Easy Believism -- just say the magic words -- "I trust in Jesus" -- no commitment; no repentance; no change in who you recognize as the ultimate authority in your life; not much different than rubbing a rabbit’s tail; No genuine faith involved -- just mouthing some formula and hoping for the best
2) Legalist -- Like the Pharisees back in Christ’s day; or like some of the present day teachings of the Roman Catholic Church; God’s Grace is available; He wants to freely give it to you; but you need to do your part and earn it by cooperating with God. Say some more prayers; get some more grace. Partake in mass daily, get more grace; give money to the church, get more grace. Do, Do, Do in order to Get, Get, Get.
3) Health and Wealth Gospel -- God has all sorts of goodies in this life ready to hand out to you -- sort of like Halloween candy -- all you need to do is go spiritual trick or treating --
Name and Claim what you want; deliverance from any type of physical problems; financial prosperity; your favorite sports team will always win -- you name it =
A Perverted presentation of the Grace of God yes, God is a good God yes,
God delights to give good gifts to His children, yes, God is powerful enough to give you any of these things;
NO, this is not God’s design for how you will best grow spiritually or how He will receive glory from your life and testimony.
The term Christian is being applied to so many. Many adopt it. If you ask them what religion are you many, would say Christian. But what is a Christian in the biblical sense.
These were people who believed in a specific God:
Acts 3:13 (NIV) 13 The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus. You handed him over to be killed, and you disowned him before Pilate, though he had decided to let him go.

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