Monday, December 7, 2009

The True Light

The Gospel of John tells us that Jesus Christ is the True Light, who brings life and light to all who wander in darkness. Modern Christianity is filled with teachers and preachers who have abandoned sound teaching and doctrine. Things like modalism, iconaclism, eternal security, predestination, serpent seed and prosperity teachings have de-valued the work of Christ on the Cross and have confused some into believing heretical practices. One of the greatest hinderances to the Gospel has been the emergence of TV evangelism. In and of itself, not necessarily evil, but too many lazy Christians will watch Christian TV instead of reading their Bibles, and will accept anything that comes out of the mouth of false teachers just because they mention the name of Jesus or sing gospel music.

There's nothing wrong with listening to good sound TV minsters. But as a safeguard, why not use your Bible while you're listening to them as a guide to determine whether they are teaching sound doctrine. I enjoy hearing men like Billy Wilson, Jentzen Franklin, Tony Evans, David Jeremiah and Billy Graham. But if the words they speak are not Biblically based then I would not be willing to embrace their teaching.
Jesus came to bring light to a fallen world. He is the one and only True Light.

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